Survivor 46 episode 6 preview: Yanu gets the big news

Tomorrow night on CBS, you are going to have a chance to see Survivor 46 episode 6 — we are almost at the merge!
Of course, Jeff Probst has muddied the waters as of late as to what the merge really is, and we have seen a good bit of evidence of that the past few seasons. All evidence suggests that the cast is going to have to “earn” their way to the merge, which means that there’s going to be some weird situation where a handful of people are immune going into the next Tribal Council. What does this mean? Well, it makes it so that a number of players can’t gang up on a single few to make what they want happen. However, at the same time you can argue that it throws too much luck into the mix, as well.
If you head over to the official YouTube page for the show, we can at least give you a new preview that documents the reaction that the Yanu tribe has to learning that they are entering this stage of the game. There’s excitement, especially since the the Q, Tiffany, and Kenzie trio is so tight — among the tightest of any group remaining so far!
Now, here is what is going to be interesting entering the next part of the game. Remember that seasons 45 and 46 filmed back to back, so the last memory these players have of a season is the one where Carolyn, Yam Yam, and Carson were able to make it to the final four despite entering the merge with a numbers disadvantage. We do think the road ahead for Yanu is going to be far more difficult because of that, and there could be resistance to allowing this smaller tribe to just sit in the middle and allow Siga and Nami to duke it out with each other.
If anything else happens, we’re just going to roll our eyes at all of the remaining players.
What do you think is going to transpire moving into Survivor 46 episode 6?
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