Parish season 1 episode 2 spoilers: Gray’s next move

Parish season 1
Photo: AMC

Following the events of the premiere, do you want to know more about Parish season 1 episode 2 The AMC drama now has a foundation — we just have to wait and see how the powers-that-be build on it!

Through the first episode, it’s clear that there are ironically some similarities between this story and Giancarlo Esposito’s most-famous work in Breaking Bad. Here, he is playing Gray, a family man who manages to get caught up in a dangerous job, one that he also tries to keep secret. The difference between him and Walter White is that he’s not seeming to take a lot of pleasure into what he’s doing and really, a lot of what’s ahead has to do with the aftermath of what you saw within the garage during the premiere.

Now, let’s go ahead and set the stage further, shall we? Go ahead and check out the full Parish season 1 episode 2 synopsis below:

Gray and Colin clash over a big cleanup; Gray dodges his family’s growing suspicion; the Tongais pursue new business.

Sure, Gray may be able to do this now, but how long is it going to last? That’s one of the bigger things that you really should be wondering about, given that one of the classic rules of TV is that secrets never stay that way, at least for some incredibly long period of time. It’s hard to feel confident that we’re going to see something altogether different here — after all, why would we?

Parish is not a long show — it is taking a cue from a lot of other AMC releases in only being six episodes long. By virtue of that, it means that we’re going to see a lot that is crammed into a pretty short span of time. Think in terms of constant drama, action, and of course Gray trying to reckon with whatever his future may be.

What do you most want to see moving into Parish season 1 episode 2 on AMC?

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