American Horror Story: Delicate part 2 teaser: The birth

American Horror Story - Emma Roberts
Photo: FX

At some point over the course of American Horror Story: Delicate part 2 on FX, are we actually going to see Anna give birth? If you are wondering about that, the network has no problem making you wonder even more…

Admittedly, we know that some of these teasers for what’s ahead can be a little bit hard to read into, and for a wide array of different reasons. Take, for starters, the fact that many of them don’t show real footage and opt instead for stylized imagery. You do see some of that in the latest teaser here but, at the same time, you also get a great indication that Anna giving birth will be a part of the story to a certain extent. It really just comes down to what that could look like and also if there are some additional dark forces that will eventually come into play.

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After all, throughout the teaser Emma Roberts’ character is surrounded by a number of nefarious names, with Kim Kardashian’s Siobhan being among them. We know that she is someone of the witchy persuasion, and it is fair to assume that she is up to no good. With everyone else, let’s just say that there is a reason for trust issues. The motivations for a lot of characters in Anna’s orbit still remains unclear — take Dex. Is he working with Siobhan, or is he just a terrible partner? The show does a good job of making you wonder.

Perhaps one of the franchise’s biggest gifts right now is simply their ability to hype up a show without still giving you a good sense of what’s actually coming — other than witches and a birth, that’s really all we have for Delicate at this point.

Related – Be sure to get some more thoughts on American Horror Story: Delicate, including the latest from Kim Kardashian

What do you most want to see moving into American Horror Story: Delicate part 2?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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