The Voice 25 video: Madison Curbelo, Kyle Schuesler sing ‘Lucky’

The Voice season 25
Photo: NBC

Today, the folks at NBC released an advanced sneak peek at their Battle Rounds performance, which features the two doing a rendition of “Lucky” by Jason Mraz that is partially in English and partially in Spanish.

What’s our big takeaway? Wow. Just … wow. If you head over to this link right now, you can get a good sneak preview for what we’re talking about here as the two deliver some really stellar harmonies and add some new layers to what was already a really good song. What makes “Lucky” in particular such a good performance for the Battles is that it was always meant to be a duet — this isn’t one of those songs that gets forced into this format and sounds awkward or weird as a result. This is a song where there is meant to be chemistry and harmonies between the two people performing it.

This is a performance from Team Dan + Shay, and we certainly think that they are going to have a hard time trying to figure out what to do in the aftermath of it. Either one of them could go through, or be stolen by another coach. What we really get out of this above all else is that these are two incredibly versatile people who with the right song could do awesome stuff.

In general, this is what makes this crop of singers altogether so exciting — there is so much potential that comes from watching them, and we just wish that this was the sort of show that actually allowed for further opportunities to see people perform beyond just a handful over the course of a given season.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Voice, including other notable performances

Who do you prefer between Madison Curbelo and Kyle Schuesler after watching this The Voice sneak preview?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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