Big Brother Canada 12 spoilers: Week 2 Veto Ceremony aftermath

If there’s one thing that the producers for Big Brother Canada 12 were hoping to get with bringing Spicy Vee back, it was chaos. Based on her week as Head of Household, it’s fair to say that they got everything that they wanted and then some.
Have all of Victoria’s moves been great? Not necessarily. We do question the idea of getting Vivek into a fight with Bayleigh and others, only to then decide that you would rather Donna leave the game instead. Note that this decided before Dinis even won the Power of Veto, which he did not have to use — even though he did.
Can Victoria argue that Donna talking about going after Lexus is a problem? Sure, but Spicy had some of these conversations in the past, as well! She created some of her own problems, and we’ll see if she eventually finds herself in hot water because of it later on.
Based on the new Digital Daily drop today, the biggest issue for Victoria may come courtesy of Vivek not being on the block anymore. He’s been able to figure out that Anthony and her are working together, not that it’s super-hard given her rationale for not nominating him is her concern the other alumni would be mad at her. Some of her moves since the Veto Ceremony have been fairly obvious and questionable, including trying to rope Bayleigh back in with a long discussion alongside much of the Hot Chocolate alliance, which could easily end up exposing them in the long-term.
Of course, a part of Vee’s strategy is to play so frantically that you forget about missteps along the way and who knows? It could work! The situation right now is that Vivek and some other players are becoming more aware that there is a power group in the house, but will they do anything to rock the boat right now? The problem for Donna is that she’s up against someone in Elijah who is popular within the game and hasn’t done much to be evicted.
Related – Check out more of our Big Brother Canada Digital Daily coverage right now
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