Survivor 46 episode 4 sneak peek: Is Soda in trouble?
As we prepare to see Survivor 46 episode 4 on CBS this Wednesday, one thing feels a little bit clear: The Nami tribe is paranoid. How much so? Well, let’s just say that what we are seeing from them right now is a prime example of what happens when a tribe does not go to Tribal Council for a good week.
Even though the orange tribe did just lose Randen on this past episode, that was through no fault of his own. He was medically evacuated and because of that, nobody on Nami has been able to prove their trust to anyone else.
For a good while, it felt like Venus was the target of the group and honestly, she still should be given that she’s really smart, plays hard, and recognizes that she is on the bottom. The moment that there’s a swap or a merge, doesn’t it feel like she’s going to flip? The one person she was loyal to was Randen and he’s gone. Yet, in a new sneak peek released by the official Survivor YouTube Channel, you can see that there’s an effort being made at this point to try and take out Soda.
What’s the reason for that? Well, Tevin seems to be the de-facto boss of the tribe, and he is getting more wary of the idea of taking Soda to merge. She seems to be a great social player and that does make her a threat. Given that Tevin is close to Hunter and Liz, they do have the numbers to make something happen.
Here’s the issue with this
Honestly, it’s two-fold. First, Nami has to lose an immunity challenge, which they’ve yet to do this season. Also, even if that happens, who is to say that there isn’t something crazy that happens? With Randen gone presumably, his immunity idol could be re-hidden. He didn’t have a chance to pass it along to Venus in the game.
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What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 46 episode 4, and who are you rooting for?
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