Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 8: Stabler in peril

As you prepare to see Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 8 on NBC next week, what’s going to happen to Elliot Stabler? Not only is this the top question at present, but it’s also one that feels pretty darn justified based on the story we’ve seen so far.
If you saw the end of episode 7 on Thursday, the promo for episode 8 seemed to strongly suggest that Christopher Meloni’s character could be in danger. Yet, at the same time it also feels like he won’t be. It is hard to imagine this show ever killing off its main character, just like it was hard to imagine that they would ever take him off the force for some extended period of time.
Honestly, the person we are more worried about at this point is Cragen. It is nice that we’re getting Dann Florek back in this universe here and there, and it is a nice injection of nostalgia into this universe. However, at the same time there are some legitimate questions as to what the endgame for all of this ends. While losing a longtime franchise face like this would be unbelievably tragic, this is a world where people die. We’ve seen it time and time again, and not every character gets the happiest ending possible.
Really until Stabler is out of the pick he’s currently in, we are going to continue to have that sinking feeling. There is no real escaping it, even if it’s something that we would desperately like to do.
On a more positive note…
Can we put out into the universe to get more Benson / Stabler scenes soon? We tend to think that tightened filming schedules have made it hard this season so far, but it would be nice to see that change closer up to the finale.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next Law & Order: Organized Crime episode now
What are you most excited to see coming into Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 8?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.