FBI: Most Wanted season 5 episode 4: Charlotte ‘met someone’

If FBI: Most Wanted was looking for a surprising conclusion to season 5 episode 4, it is fair to say that they succeeded. After all, who saw that coming?
Before we do move forward, though, we probably should take a step back and explain a little bit further. After all, at the conclusion of the story tonight, it was revealed (in a conversation between Charlotte and Barnes) that Charlotte “met someone.” This is clearly something that she’s been putting off, and the news came out in a not-so-ideal time.
Now, the problem is that “meeting someone” can actually mean a lot of different things. Has Charlotte been cheating on Barnes? Or, has she just been thinking about the idea? It clearly exposes a huge rift in their relationship, and it remains to be seen how they can work through that.
For those wondering, Roxy Sternberg (who plays the character) had an immediate reaction to reading about the twist in the script, saying the following to Give Me My Remote:
“That was so stressful … And it was just like, ‘I need to sort this out’—which is actually I think how Barnes would deal with it in that moment, as well; wanting to kind of brush it over and make it all fine. There is an elephant in the room, there’s a big thing that needs to be addressed. We can’t just move forward, how the [heck] did this happen? So I felt very sad and like I wanted to save it. And I still feel like I want to save it, and I think that is a response from me and that also was the same response from my character.”
Of course, we will have to wait and see where the story goes from here, but we don’t blame anyone for wanting answers. Obviously, there have been some issues as of late with Charlotte and Barnes … but did we need to go here? Why do couples in the Wolf Entertainment universe have to go through so much?
If you’ll excuse us, now we are just being sad…
Related – Be sure to see more thoughts on the next FBI: Most Wanted episode
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.