NCIS season 21 spoilers: Is Fornell coming back?

NCIS season 21
Photo: CBS

Are we going to see none other than Joe Spano return as Tobias Fornell on NCIS season 21? Let’s just say there is reason for hope!

If you head over to the official Instagram account of Sean Murray, you can see some new behind-the-scenes images from the show that include none other than the iconic character, who has been a frequent presence over the years. We were worried once upon a time that the exit of Gibbs would also mean the departure of Fornell, given that their friendship was one of the big reasons we continued to see him back.

Luckily, that has proven to not be the case! We have still seen the occasional appearance from Fornell and personally, we are hoping that he will be able to play a role or two in some upcoming cases. Just think about the long career that he had and all of the information and resources he may know!

While the circumstances of a possible Fornell return remain unclear, it does feel as though we’ll have a chance to see him at some point before the finale, based on where the show is in production right now. His presence does always bring a little bit of nostalgia and for that, we are of course grateful.

The unfortunate news that we should remind you of now is rather simple: There are no new episodes on CBS until a little bit later this month. Following the industry strikes this is going to be a shortened season, and as a result of that, it means more hiatuses than any of us are probably happy with all things considered. (Of course, the networks could have kept these strikes from happening in the first place…)

Related Be sure to get some more news on NCIS now, including some other stuff that lies ahead

What do you most want to see from Fornell moving into NCIS season 21?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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