Death and Other Details season 1 finale: Is Anna new Viktor Sams?

Coming out of last night’s Death and Other Details season 1 finale, it is fair to have many questions. Take, for example, what Anna’s future looks like now provided the show comes back for a second season.
Is Lauren Patten’s character the new Big Bad? Well, we wouldn’t go that far, but she is in a spot now where she is seemingly working as a part of the larger Viktor Sams organization. We can’t speak to whether that is going to be a short-lived or permanent arrangement, but there’s a lot of blackmail over her now — after all, she killed her own mother and Hilde / Kira knew about it! That’s a hard thing to get past.
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In offering up some more clarity on the Anna situation to Entertainment Weekly following the finale, here is at least some of what executive producer Mike Weiss had to say:
We loved the idea of telling a season-long coming-of-age story for Imogen, where she steps onto the path toward becoming the next world’s greatest detective. We love the idea that it’s also the story of a lifelong friendship that meets its demise. Because we’re in a genre, we can be more specific about the type of demise that friendship meets, which is that we’re setting up Anna as a foil for her former best friend. Anna has been blackmailed into service, working for Viktor Sams, Imogen’s mom, who’s going to continue to figure out how to pull strings from prison. Anna is at the very beginning of her own Viktor Sams vigilante journey, and hopefully we get to take her into places that’ll surprise the audience, but also surprise the character in terms of what she’s capable of now that she’s been given this very different path to walk.
Of course, whether or not we see the journey play out is dependent on if the show gets renewed or not but for now, we are trying to maintain even a cautious level of optimism. Why not find a way to bring the show back for more?
Related – What are the odds that we see a Death and Other Details season 2?
What do you think that Anna’s future is going to look like moving further into Death and Other Details season 2?
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