Doctor Who season 14: BBC exec on ambitious scope

Doctor Who season 14
Photo: BBC One

We don’t think it comes as a huge surprise by any means that Doctor Who season 14 is going to be big and ambitious. Nonetheless, we are thrilled to see the end result this May!

Over the past year, you may have heard a few things already about what is going to make the next chapter of the series stand out, starting of course with the fact that it has a larger budget than ever before. This is the result of a partnership with Disney+, and we’ve seen some of the dividends of that already through the specials late last year.

We do recognize that when the Disney+ international deal came through, there were a lot of concerns that the franchise was going to look or feel a little less daring or exciting and honestly, we understand that. Sometimes, having a lot of creative partners can muddy the waters! Yet, all indications at present seem to suggest that the people with the big pockets are largely letting the creatives do what they want, and this is absolutely something we’re more than grateful for.

In speaking on the matter of the show’s ambition and risk-taking to the Radio Times recently, here is some of what BBC’s director of drama Lindsay Salt had to say:

While others might become more cautious, we will go further to take the risks others won’t – to task all the producers and creatives in this room to keep pushing those boundaries, and to venture into the creative unknown.

Our hope here is pretty simple: Moving forward, the show just allows itself to have fun, test the imagination, and also not shy away from important topics. Not every episode will work, but that’s just a part of the Doctor Who experience. The most important thing is to celebrate the ones that do.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Doctor Who right now, including other insight on whether Matt Smith could return

What are you most excited to see moving into the official start of Doctor Who season 14?

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