The Bachelor episode 8: Maria’s father & more hometown dates

The Bachelor Joey
Photo: ABC

As you prepare for The Bachelor episode 8 on ABC next week, hometown dates are obviously going to be front and center.

So, what happens here? It is mostly going to be all about Joey Graziadei trying to make a good first impression — but it is also going to be hard on a number of different levels.

Take, for example, dealing with dads. Maria indicates to Joey that she’s never brought someone home before, and it already feels like her dad is the most intimidating guy of the bunch. If there is a case to make Maria the next Bachelorette, it is to create some more drama all around this. We don’t really think he’s some over-the-top TV character, though — he’s clearly just a guy who loves his daughter and wants to protect her.

Maria’s dad is not the only protective dad of the group — or even the only protective family member. Something that Rachel’s date will cause her to cry, and there could also be questions about Daisy and whether or not she can develop the feelings that she really needs to at this point. We’ve said she has been a favorite almost the entire season, but does Joey eventually move away from that if he doesn’t get enough reassurances? There are still a lot of different questions worth wondering. The funniest thing about hometowns in general is that even though there have been a billion seasons of this show, there are always still the same concerns. Take, for example, the idea that there are still multiple women on the show and everyone has their guard up.

Of course, we only anticipate that three women will move forward to overnight dates, which historically tends to cause its own number of problems.

Related Be sure to get some more discussion now on The Bachelor, including what happened last night

What do you think is going to happen moving into The Bachelor episode 8?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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