NCIS season 21 spoilers: Meet Jessica Knight’s father!

NCIS season 21
Photo: CBS

As you wait to see the NCIS season 21 premiere on Monday, why not look further on down the road? After all, we’re going to see Jessica Knight’s father sooner rather than later.

According to a new report from TVLineWestworld actor Russell Wong is going to be coming on board as the aforementioned parent at some point during the season. We do tend to know that characters often get a spotlight episode over the course of a season and clearly, the crime drama isn’t moving away from that, even with a smaller amount of episodes this time around.

As for how the character is going to be coming into the world of this show, let’s just say that it is a case of unexpected timing, and also an argument that could bring its fair share of problems. Here is some of what showrunners Steven D. Binder and David J. North had to say to the aforementioned publication:

 “Knight has her own special family drama to deal with when her father shows up during a case and has some ideas what his daughter should be doing with her life … And, of course, there’s poor Jimmy Palmer, stuck exactly where nobody would ever want to be: aka in the middle of a Knight family feud.”

Beyond this storyline, what else are we excited to see? Let’s go ahead and make the following clear: It could be another step forward in the Knight in Shining Palmer relationship. We know that things have evolved slowly for the two of them over time, but they have checked off a number of early milestones already. We do think the two have a chance to go the distance here, but it could still take some time and we’re happy to be on the slow ride here.

Related Be sure to get some more news all about NCIS now, including more news on the first two episodes

What do you want to see from Jessica Knight’s father on NCIS season 21?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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