Death and Other Details season 1 episode 5: Is Sunil Victor Sams?

Death and Other Details season 1
Photo: Hulu

Following what we saw on Death and Other Details season 1 episode 5 on Hulu this week, it’s easy to have some huge questions. What’s a big one? Well, that is pretty darn simple: Whether or not Sunil is actually Viktor Sams.

After all, there is a big piece of evidence that, at least for now, you could view as somewhat of a smoking gun: The fact that there is some sort of secret base within the walls of the ship. Isn’t this a pretty clear indicator that he would know? This is going to be a hard thing to explain away, and that is something that we know that we can say with the utmost confidence.

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After all, consider this for a moment — if the responsible party here is not Sunil, then you are looking at a pretty limited list of people who have consistent access to the ship and, somehow, would have been able to do all of this without Sunil knowing about it. You could look at some of the crew members here as possibilities but even still, it’s hard.

In the end, perhaps the most important thing to remember here is rather simple: Even if Sunil is not Viktor Sams, he still may be guilty of something! If he willingly allowed this stuff to be on his ship, it is a huge betrayal to Imogene in particular … and this is where we remind you that Imogene spent the vast majority of this episode spending time with Sunil in Malta, trying to get answers about the mysterious receipt-of-sorts that she found earlier this season.

Once again, we’re leaving an episode with a lot to discuss — and isn’t that a great thing in the end?

Related Be sure to get some more news entering the next Death and Other Details episode

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