Death and Other Details season 1 episode 4: Is Winnie the killer?

Death and Other Details season 1
Photo: Hulu

Even though we’ve only made it to the end of Death and Other Details season 1 episode 4 over at Hulu, have we already solved the murder? Well, let’s just say that the answer to that is pretty darn complicated.

Well, here is what we know at the moment: Using a staged arrest involving her sister, Rufus and Imogene were able to trick Winnie into turning herself in, claiming that she killed Danny a.k.a. Keith out of frustrating for the whole rich – poor divide and his terrible treatment of her. Is the motive a little bit flimsy? It feels that way, but we got a much better explanation of it at the end of the episode — and courtesy of the rather-mysterious Leila.

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In a conversation in the closing minutes, Leila indicated that she was very-much aware of who Keith really was; not only that, but she and him both seemed to have more information on Viktor Sams, the individual who was responsible for the device that killed Imogene’s mother many years ago. Could all of this be connected? The idea raised here is that Winnie was a follower of Sams and simply carrying out what he wanted with Danny, meaning that we’re still looking at a Big Bad beyond just the person who has been arrested.

The only thing we seem to know right now is that Viktor Sams is a guy — but can we even bank on that as a certainty? This is, once again, where things get crazy and there is a lot of questioning all across the board. It could be someone with a voice modulator or at least someone who did much of their work behind closed doors.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Death and Other Details right now, including what else is ahead

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