True Detective: Night Country episode 3: EP on flashback scene

True Detective: Night Country (season 4)
Photo: HBO

There are a lot of mysteries that exist on True Detective: Night Country at present, but a big one dates back to episode 3 and the past.

What happened? Well, in that timeline we learned how Liz Danvers and Evangeline Navarro went their separate ways while on the job. The two reported a murder/suicide involving a William Wheeler; yet, the reality was a little bit different. He was alive when the two arrived on the scene, and we do not know what happened from there. Did one of them shoot Wheeler, and were the two forced to them cover it up on some level? That’s one possibility, and we hope we get more information in due time.

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If there is more thing that we can about this story at present, it is simply this: Giving us a little bit of information (but not all of it) was a part of the plan. Here is what writer/director Issa Lopez had to say to The Hollywood Reporter:

“I wrote six different versions of [that whole storyline], and of how I reveal what really happened, and we shot it … Then in the edit, we discovered that if we show this but don’t show this, and don’t reveal this until the end… really, we were playing so much throughout [production]. There were so many ways to decide how much information you keep and how much information you give. It was a luxury that I was able to have because we stuck to the present. It was the right choice.”

What is important right now in the present is knowing that Danvers and Navarro have this divide that they may need to put aside for the sake of the matter at hand. They need to work together, but can they fully trust each other? Could they be in a compromising position? there is a lot to consider…

Related Be sure to get some more news on True Detective: Night Country, including some episode 4 scoop

What did you think about the events of True Detective: Night Country episode 3, and the flashbacks?

What do you think really happened with Wheeler? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates.

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