Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4: Is William leaving?

Is William leaving Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 on PBS, and right after that big declaration and romantic moment?
On tonight’s new episode of the Masterpiece drama, we had what a lot of people have been waiting for ages in order to see — Eliza and William finally coming around to what is obvious. However, it was followed up soon after by him leaving. Why couldn’t she convince him to stay? What must we be torn into so many pieces?
Well, we should start here by noting that there’s no evidence that William is going to be gone from this series forever, even if he is MIA for a short period of time. This could give both he and Eliza an opportunity to better figure out what it is that they want. We’re still hoping for a way that they could have it all, both personally and professionally, and we tend to think the producers understand that this is what viewers want, as well. This all feels like the ingredients of a classic slow-play, and to draw all of this out even longer. We don’t love the idea of Miss Scarlet and the Duke without one of the main characters, but it’s something that we recognize could be the reality for at least the immediate future.
For now, let’s just how that Eliza continues to think about him over the course of the next episode, and allows herself to be vulnerable at the same time. Yes, we recognize that doing this is not always easy, but sometimes hard things can lead to great rewards and that’s what we want for the two of them right now.
Alas, there are only two episodes left this season — we recognize that this is not going to leave a lot of time open for major developments.
Related – Check out more news when it comes to the next Miss Scarlet and the Duke episode
What did you think of the big Eliza – William moment on Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 4?
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