Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 3: Who got shot?

We realized entering Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 3 that we would see the story advance in some pretty dramatic ways. With that being said, we didn’t quite think that we would get the cliffhanger that we did!
So what transpired here? Well, it felt like a real battle of wits with the title character on one side and then Philippe on the other. Early on in the episode, Sam constructed a ruse to use his doctor in order to lure his foe out into the open, making him believe that Teresa had been gravely injured. Philippe eventually gave Spade a call, indicating that they could meet at the cemetery. The problem? Philippe never showed up.
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Here is where things get tricky — Philippe realized soon after arriving that he may have been tricked, and he rushed home and eventually engaged in some sort of battle. Was Teresa about to be taken? That’s possible, and the screen cut to black before we heard a gunshot.
Is it possible that Spade or Teresa was shot? Absolutely, but it is also possible that an attacker was; heck, nobody may have been shot! The important thing to note here is that the episode concluded with people in danger.
Another question is how Philippe (assuming it was Philippe who was behind this) knew that Teresa would still be back at home. Is this because George and his mother are apparently spies listening in? (Odds are, they were hired by someone to plant a bug.) Or, is this because Henri, who watched Teresa and was a total creep throughout the episode, is actually some sort of mole? There are so many things that we’re left to think about, and that is what made the show so exciting.
Related – Get some more news on Monsieur Spade right now, including what else is coming next
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.