Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 episode 6: The coins

Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1
Photo: Disney+

Tonight on Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 episode 6, it is fair to say that the quest ratcheted up a level. Percy had an opportunity to actually avoid the quest altogether — there was a presentation of an out!

With that being said, though, that doesn’t mean that Percy took it as he started to realize that there was more going on with Hades than even some of the gods knew — and he had to be the one to do something about it. This leads us to the episode of the episode, where he receives the four coins that will give himself, Grover, and Annabeth the ability to escape from the Underworld once they get down there.

We don’t think that we can doubt the show for being able to really accentuate its themes of destiny and self-reliance, and a lot of them are working to fine effect. The same goes for how it is representing a number of fun, imaginative ideas — think in terms of everything that we saw at the casino.

Admittedly, we are coming into this show without any knowledge of what happened in the books and with that, there’s something exciting about some of the inevitable meetings that are coming. From the start of the show, Percy really has not had all that many opportunities to breathe. What happens when he does? How does he better settle into a life that feels a little bit more like his own? A part of our enjoyment of this show comes from the epic nature of some of these adventures; meanwhile, another comes from the big question as to what will happen when the dust actually settles.

For now, we know that the next phase of the journey is right around the corner, and it will be perhaps more dangerous than anything we’ve seen so far.

Related Be sure to get some other news entering the next Percy Jackson and the Olympians episode

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