Found season 1 episode 12: Is Gaby turning in Sir?

Found season 1
Photo: NBC

We’ve now reached the end of Found season 1 episode 12 at NBC, and it is fair to say the world may be changing once more. Think about what we saw in the closing minutes of this episode, let alone how that could change almost everything as we move forward.

Through the events that we saw in this particular episode, plus also the flashbacks that gave us a sense of Gaby’s past, she finally came to a conclusion that she needs to move on from the trauma of her past. With that in mind, her goal moving forward is to turn Sir in, realizing the consequences that come with doing that. She may realize that as a result of that, she could end up exposing a lot of the truth when it comes to some of the cases that she’s been working on. she may lose a lot but in doing so, she could also set herself free.

Now, the big question that we have to wonder about here is quite simple: What is Sir going to do as a result of all this? If there is one thing that we have absolutely come to know over time here, it is that the story of Found is anything but simple. There are almost sure to be a million different twists and turns coming up still, and we would advise you to prepare for that.

Could you have a season 2 without Sir? We do tend to think that in some way, that is going to be the case — it really just comes down to whether he is behind bars or something else.

Get yourselves ready: If Gaby ends up going through with what is her current plan, everything on the show could change. Is it for better or worse? That’s the mystery that remains.

Related Be sure to get some other information now about Found and what else could be coming as we move forward

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