Magnum PI season 5 episode 19, 20: Final expectations

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

In just a matter of hours on NBC you are going to have a chance to see Magnum PI season 5 episode 19 and 20. This is a two-hour finale event and while we know that it is coming, that doesn’t mean we are ready in the least. As a matter of fact, we are trying to prepare ourselves already for a pretty emotional series of events that should prove closure, but also may leave you wanting more. How can you not with a series like this?

For the sake of this article, we felt like it would be valuable to at least further set the stage — what are some of the biggest things that you can expect before the season is done?

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1. A lot more Mahina – There is a big TC story spread across the remaining episodes, and his girlfriend (they’re back together now) will be a part of both episodes. The first one in particular revolves around a fire, so she will have a larger role to play in that.

2. The return of Sam Bedrosian – Patrick Fabian is going to be around before the end of the season as the character, who was a pretty nefarious villain the last time we saw him. It’s possible he has changed his stripes, but remember that he did proclaim he was out for revenge when we last saw him…

3. An emotional story for Kumu – You will see this in particular in the first hour, and it is some of the best work Amy Hill has ever done on the show.

4. Changes for Rick – Something different is going to happen with La Mariana by the end of the finale, and if there ever is another season, we could easily see things carrying over.

5. Of course, big things for Magnum and Higgins – They’ll spend a lot of time together within these episodes, and there will be conversations aplenty about their future.

Remember this…

There is going to be a sense of closure to the finale — sure, the door is left open for more, but the producers knew advance this could be the end of the show. They wanted you to feel satisfied.

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What do you most want to see within the two-hour Magnum PI finale?

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