True Detective season 4 spoilers: Kali Reis on Night Country

True Detective: Night Country (season 4)
Photo: HBO

One week from Sunday, we are going to have a chance to see the premiere of True Detective season 4 on HBO — and fingers crossed, it will be exceptional.

What are we getting ahead in Night Country? Well, this is a story that is largely all about a series of disappearances at a remote research station in Alaska. This is going to be a dark, mysterious show, anchored of course by some great performances courtesy of Kali Reis and Jodie Foster. This show has a large legacy to keep intact and fingers crossed, they are going to be able to do just that.

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So what are some of the themes for the show going to be this time around, beyond just the central mystery? Speaking to Bleacher Report, Reis describes how her own background connects to what we are going to see:

“Especially being an indigenous, mixed indigenous, afro indigenous, Cape Verdean Wampanoag woman… the biggest theme is that the land does not belong to us, we belong to the land, and I hope that people get a glimpse at a part of the world that we forget about.”

While you see this theme explored, you are going to be able to see one of the most extreme settings imaginable. Night Country filmed in Iceland — while it is not exactly the same as Alaska, temperature-wise it did make for a complicated shoot.

Of course, HBO is keeping a lot of the finer details about this story under wraps, but that could change now that we are in the new year. While this season will stand on its own (just like every other one before it), the DNA of True Detective is still very much there. Who knows? There could at least be some Easter eggs scattered throughout.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to True Detective right now

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