AGT: Fantasy League video: V.Unbeatable deliver epic return

AGT: Fantasy League season 1
Photo: NBC

As you prepare for the epic arrival of AGT: Fantasy League on NBC tonight, why not celebrate V.Unbeatable for a moment?

The moment that we saw that this dance / acrobat group was coming on board this season, we knew that things would be serious. They are easily the most talented group in this category that we’ve ever seen on the show and honestly, we’re not sure it is close. They include a lot of danger in every move, while also making the choreography slick and professional.

If you head over to the link here, you can see the latest sneak preview that shows the entire group in action, wowing both the judges as well as everyone in the audience. Given that they won AGT: The Champions in the past, they have a really good chance of winning here. We’re still shocked that they did not win the original version of the show!

The one thing that makes their chances of winning this season rather ambiguous is simple: The way in which the audience votes for who will advance or who will win. It is almost impossible to really know what is going to happen on this show because of that! It is pretty darn frustrating in a way, mostly due to the fact that our favorite acts are not always the ones who actually win. (Someday, we’d love for this to be opened up to the public, but the problem with this is that pre-taping these winter seasons is a cost-effective way for the show to do business.)

The big twist for Fantasy League is that the judges are all competing thanks to some teams they’ve selected. It remains to be seen what is going to happen here, but we’re excited to find out!

Related Be sure to get some more news on AGT: Fantasy League, including some other previews for what lies ahead

What do you most want to see moving into tonight’s AGT: Fantasy League premiere?

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