AGT: Fantasy League: Billy & Emily England’s Golden Buzzer steal

AGT: Fantasy League season 1
Photo: NBC

We knew entering the AGT: Fantasy League premiere that the Golden Buzzer was going to work a little bit differently. It could help someone advance in the competition, but there was a fun little added wrinkle in here, as well! This is something that could actually be used in order to steal an act from another judge’s team.

Well, Simon Cowell learned the hard way about this twist after Mel B went ahead and snatched up Billy & Emily England for her team. They’re a worthy recipient of this in that they not only literally do something that we’ve never seen before, but they also find a way to do it while making it look easy.

We know that this show also does exist in a culture where you have to “step it up” with each consecutive performance, and we are happy to say that the duo did just that! With the blades and the fire at the end of the skates, there was that added bit of danger if something were to go wrong. They are one of the better danger acts of their variety out there, and we know that there are some other skills they could also show off in future performances.

While Simon losing an act in this way made for a fun little TV moment, we’ll also be honest here when we say that the judges twist really does not add that much to the show. We are mostly just watching to see a lot of great acts back on the show again, and we are rather pleased that the casting did such a great job getting so many big names back. Just in this episode alone you had multiple winners, whether it be for this season proper or past All-Stars / Champions editions of the show.

Related Get some more discussion on AGT: Fantasy League courtesy of Simon Cowell

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