Slow Horses season 4 spoilers: Where do things stand with River?

Slow Horses season 3
Photo: Apple TV+

We know following the ending of Slow Horses season 3 that there could be a ton of questions about the future. How can there not be? There are massive changes at Slough House and beyond just that, we’ve also seen River take on quite a few challenges.

While we know that there are some epic changes that we see here and there with this show, there are also others that are more of a slow build. A great example of the latter could be where things stand when it comes to River’s feelings towards Jackson Lamb. There’s always been a contentious quality to their back-and-forth, but don’t they also want the same things a lot of the time? This show is a delightfully messy one when it comes to character motivations, but isn’t that a big part of why it is fun?

Speaking on if River and Lamb are in a better place now, here is what actor Jack Lowden had to say to TV Insider:

I think [he’s more settled], yeah. I think it’s definitely the most comfortable he’s felt because he’s begrudgingly beginning to admire Lamb. I think he always has. I think he ultimately realizes that Lamb and everybody is on the side of the angels and there’s some very sort of dodgy figures higher up and he’s right at the bottom and the higher up they seem to go, the worst people seem to act. He’s never going to be happy there. He wants the glory.

Of course, Slow Horses also feels like one of those shows where things are problematic almost the moment you start to feel comfortable. A big part of what makes this show so great is that you never know what the style and subject matter is going to be entering a given season. It’s never trying to do the same thing time and time again.

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