Reacher season 2 episode 5 spoilers: The big risk with Swan

Reacher season 2
Photo: Prime Video

In just a matter of hours, you are going to have a chance to dive into Reacher season 2 episode 5 over on Prime Video. Isn’t it fair to call this one pretty substantial?

First things first, we should kick things off here by noting where the stakes currently are. Jack Reacher is clearly aware of how far Shane and New Age are willing to go in order to hunt him down — in that sense, there are no masks with some of these characters at present. There is a ton of stuff happening when it comes to people targeting each other and that’s not going to change.

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While we anticipate that the action focus is very-much going to be there during the upcoming season, at the same time there will also be a character focus, as well. Has the story so far showcased a blind spot for Alan Ritchson’s character? Let’s just say that it is easy to argue so, mostly because of how he perceives Swan. Based on what we’ve seen so far, the rest of the 110th is worried that Reacher is too blind to the possibility of Swan working with New Age because of their shared history. We know that he’s a guy whose gut is often right, but that doesn’t mean that he’s perfect.

Regardless of whether or not Swan is working with the bad guys, we do think that this has been a great chance to see just how vulnerable Reacher can be in the right setting. He’s not someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, but he is incredibly loyal and tries hard to do the right thing. Heck, with Dixon you have a reminder that he will put his feelings to the side to focus on any and all missions.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Reacher now, including some season 3 talk

What do you most want to see moving into Reacher season 2 episode 5?

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