AGT: Fantasy League video: Terry Crews, judges on new format

Come Monday night on NBC, you are going to have a chance to see the premiere of AGT: Fantasy League. This is a new addition to the franchise, and one that is going to feature the judges having a more interactive role in the competition than ever before. This show will actually have a few similarities with another show in The Voice, at least in that all of the judges will have their own teams.
Do you want to know more about the specific format for the show? If so, let’s just say we are thrilled to lend a helping hand! If you head over to the link here, you can see some of the judging crew in Heidi Klum, Mel B, and Howie Mandel explain a little bit more how this show works, let alone what it will look like. (Host Terry Crews also offers up a little bit of feedback, as well.)
We will be a little bit honest here — we’re not as interested at the moment in the “team” part of the show, mostly because we watch this franchise for the talent more so than we do any of the individual people behind the desk. We’re mostly excited about the opportunity to see some familiar faces on the show again, especially since there are some who have not been around for a good while. What are a lot of them going to bring to the table?
While there are obviously going to be some acts we are looking forward to seeing more than others, we personally think it is best to not take anything too seriously when it comes to this show. It’s not your typical season of the show, and with it taping in advance, who is to say what the results will look like?
Related – Check out a lot of the acts taking part in AGT: Fantasy League right now
Are you planning to watch AGT: Fantasy League when it premieres?
Or, do you prefer to just wait for the flagship show itself to come on the air? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates.