Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight, Dec. 17 2023?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Typically, the comedy show is off the air by this time of the year. However, the WGA strike has changed the schedule drastically; typically, the show wraps up in November for the season, and there was a new installment last week.

Now that we’ve said that, we are pleased to report similar news entering tonight: You are once again going to get something more on the air in a matter of hours! HBO has already confirmed that Last Week Tonight will be back in its typical start time; however, this is going to be the finale. Given that next week is Christmas Eve and you have New Year’s Eve after the fact, it is hard to be altogether shocked by this.

So what will make the final episode of Oliver’s show this year special? That something that is hard to fully describe and yet, we tend to think that there will be some sort of memorable segment. We’ve seen everything in this spot from brilliant pre-taped bits to videos featuring special guests. The salmon cannon from several years ago was memorable, as was when Oliver sent a Japanese mascot version of himself overseas. Sometimes, these end-of-year segments are meant to represent everything that we saw in the months before. At other points, they are completely random.

For this year, we’re taking more of a wait-and-see approach just because so little about 2023 has been anything close to ordinary. The strike obviously upended the entertainment calendar for a long time, and politically the news has been all over the map.

With all of this in mind, we just hope that Oliver is able to bring some laughs and help us to remember some of the best parts of the year … while also still reminding us of the issues that matter moving forward.

What do you most want to see entering the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

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