Quantum Leap season 2 episode 9: Star on possible Ben return

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

While we wait to see Quantum Leap season 2 episode 9 and beyond in the new year, why not talk more about that big twist? After all, it seems like there’s actually a chance to get Ben Song back to the present. There is no guarantee that it’s going to happen but for now, doesn’t it at least feel possible? We can’t ignore the chances that come with that.

Of course, there is also one other big reality that we have to face here — if Ben does make it back to his own timeline, what does that mean for the team? Does that eliminate the whole purpose of the show? Suffice it to say, this is tricky.

Speaking to Us Weekly, here is some of what Ernie Hudson (Magic) had to say about the situation for all of the cast following the potential Ben twist:

“It’s what we come into [with] trusting the producers and the writers team. We all definitely as characters really want [Ben to come back], but I’m also trusting that they have looked further ahead. As we were saying, we like the surprise of what comes next … And if Ben’s back, I’m sure it’s going to be very interesting. I’m excited about the possibility and I’m sort of taking it all in one episode at a time. But the possibilities are just all out there.”

Personally, we tend to think that if Ben comes back, someone else could be out there, whether it be Addison or someone else. Also, we do think that it’s possible that Ben’s relationship with Hannah ends up changing history and as a result of that, changing the present. That could make things all the more complicated, and that could also mean that whatever Tom thinks he’s discovered about Ben at the moment will be kaput in a week or two.

Related Get some more news on Quantum Leap, including thoughts on season 2 episode 8

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