Quantum Leap season 2 episode 8: Will Ben come home?

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

Is Quantum Leap season 2 episode 8 the most important one we’ve had so far this season? It is easy to argue that. After all, this is one that featured Egypt as a primary setting and beyond that, contained a handful of huge revelations.

After all, are Tom and Addison going to get married? That’s one possibility. The same is Ben finding his way back home — and ironically, thanks to Tom! In a clear sign of just how selfless this guy can be, it seems like he’s figured out some info that could allow it to eventually happen. We need a little bit more information on it for now, but it does seem like something that could be taking place in theory.

What makes this situation all the more tricky right now is the oh-so-simple fact that for now, Ben’s actually accepted more of where he is. Hannah is head over heels in love with him, as she recognizes that there is something beautiful and “cosmic” about their story. Yet, she doesn’t know the full story about Addison; she recognizes the challenges that Ben faces, but still not the whole story. Their entire love story is just made of tiny bursts, and they have clearly come to appreciate what they have together. Will it keep her waiting for him forever? This is obviously another thing to think about here.

Another one that we are still considering at the moment is pretty simple: Whether or not there’s a chance that we’re going to be seeing Ben’s time with Hannah change the present. Also, could he ever get to a point where he doesn’t want to leap at all?

Just from the sake of things being super-complicated right now, we’re loving this season; the same is not know much about when it will be back.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Quantum Leap now, including more discussion on the future

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