Magnum PI season 6 campaign brings a new airplane banner!

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

As we get ourselves prepared to see the latest Magnum PI season 5 episode tonight on NBC, we have even more news on the season 6 campaign!

If there is one thing we know about this Ohana, it is that they’ll keep fighting for what they believe in — and that includes getting the show saved either at its current home or some other network or streamer. Today, those efforts equate to a new airplane banner flown over NBC’s Los Angeles offices, plus also another big billboard in Times Square.

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If you want to see the latest glorious contributions from this campaign, you can do so over at the link here. Isn’t it easy to be thrilled? We tend to think so! There have been dozens of billboards at this point, and we’ve seen a number put together in all sorts of other parts of the country, as well.

We absolutely think that these billboards and banners have gotten the attention of executives, plus of course the Magnum PI cast and crew. We also know that there is a ton of appreciation for them, as everyone who works on the show clearly enjoys the show and was happy to come back for a season 5. As for whether or not they will lead to a revival, that remains to be determined … but we’ve also learned to never say never.

Beyond the billboards and/or other public displays, the best thing that all who love the show can do is continue to watch live and beyond that, also share love for the series across social media. We absolutely think that the best thing to do is remind NBC and/or any other prospective homes out there that this fandom is not going anywhere, and that they can be a great resource for revenue and support moving forward. This should matter tremendously and with that, we’ll keep crossing our fingers…

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Magnum PI season 5, including how the story could end (at least for now)

How hopeful are you at the moment about the Magnum PI season 6 efforts?

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