The Curse season 1 episode 6 preview: Dougie, Whitney’s plan

Next week on Showtime you are going to have a chance to see The Curse season 1 episode 6, a story titled “The Fire Burns On.”
So what are we going to be seeing over the course of the hour? We do think that on some level, we are going to see Whitney and Asher become increasingly desperate more and more over time. Their show about passive homes is not exactly going as planned, mostly due to the fact that Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder’s characters are just completely out of their mind. They don’t understand that not everyone likes the idea of having to follow all of these specific rules. It got to the point in episode 5 that there was an effort to cast pretend buyers just for the sake of making the show interesting. (They eventually got a buyer, but it was not who they expected.)
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For a few more details on what lies ahead, go ahead and check out The Curse season 1 episode 6 synopsis below:
Dougie and Whitney hatch a plan to spice up the show while Asher becomes increasingly aloof.
So what sort of plan have Dougie and Whitney come up with? It’s probably going to further along Asher’s jealousy, if nothing else. We know that Dougie was super complimentary of her during the premiere and with that in mind, Asher may be starting to feel a little bit froze out of the process.
By the end of this episode, are we going to see a big twist?
We’re not sure. There is more than likely going to be something crazy that transpires here at some point, mostly because it feels like Whitney and Asher are on the verge of losing it, albeit in slightly different ways.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on The Curse, including what is ahead on episode 7
What do you most want to see moving into The Curse season 1 episode 6?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.