Is Saturday Night Live new tonight on NBC, December 9, 2023?

Saturday Night Live
Photo: NBC

Is Saturday Night Live new tonight on NBC? After seeing Emma Stone on this past episode, will things stay on a roll?

Without further ado here, let’s go ahead and share some good news on multiple fronts! First and foremost, you are going to have a chance to see another installment of the late-night sketch show in just a matter of hours. Not only that, but this one is going to be the epic return of Adam Driver as a host! He’s a guy who has actually gotten better and funnier with each appearance on the show, and we certainly hope that we’re going to have a chance to see that all over again coming up. We recognize fully just how fun he is and the potential there still is for him to spoof both himself and also our expectations of him as an actor.

On this past episode, we saw Stone enter the five-timers’ club. Wasn’t that awesome? While we are not at that point with Driver as of yet, we do think that we’ll be there pretty soon if he continues to be interested in being on the show.

The musical guest for tonight’s episode is a big name in her own right in Olivia Rodrigo, who we do think could make some cameos in various sketches if she really wants to. After all, we know her history in comedy and at some point, it shouldn’t shock us if she came back for a larger appearance as host.

Beyond this episode…

Just remember that the holiday installment on December 16 is going to be huge in its own right. This marks the epic return of Kate McKinnon to the show and beyond that, you’ll also have a chance to see Billie Eilish as a musical guest.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Saturday Night Live now, including other discussion about Emma Stone’s episode

What do you most want to see from Adam Driver and Olivia Rodrigo moving into the next Saturday Night Live?

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