Saturday Night Live: Emma Stone joins the five-timers’ club

Saturday Night Live
Photo: NBC

Entering tonight’s Saturday Night Live episode, we knew that we were going to see a big moment for host Emma Stone. After all, she entered the five-timers’ club! That meant that we’d have a chance to see some sort of cameos featuring some other people in said club.

So, who did we get during the opening? Well, think in terms  of Tina Fey and Candice Bergen, two of the other most-notable women to ever be a part of the club. Both of them had some fun talking about how Candice really helped to start the women’s section of the club, and at one point you could see Emma get a little bit emotional. This remains one of her favorite shows, she met her husband because of it, and she also seems to get a real kick out of being a part of it. At only 35 years old, she is also by far the youngest member of the group.

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Of course, moving forward one of the things that we are especially curious about is whether or not we’re going to see Stone continue to host after reaching the milestone. There are some hosts who, over the years, have slowed down once getting their special robe. A few others, meanwhile, have kept going for a really long time. Of course, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin remain two of the most prolific hosts in the entire history of the show.

So who else could be getting there soon? Well, Adam Driver is hosting the show next week, and let’s just say that he is very much on his way to getting there. Some of it comes down to performance as a host, but another component here is simply if there are reasons for you to come back, i.e. having a movie to promote.

Related Go ahead and get some more news on Saturday Night Live right now, including the cold open

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