Magnum PI season 5 finale spoilers: Is a big engagement coming?

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

As we prepare to see the Magnum PI season 5 finale over at NBC, is there a chance at a Magnum – Higgins engagement? We don’t think it is some big surprise to sit here and say that this is something that we want! The question just comes down to whether or not we’re going to see it.

In a way, you can argue that there have been hints about this possibly happening ever since the first part of the season. After all, just remember for a moment here that Juliet had a dream about a proposal earlier this year — it took a dark turn, but there was something sweet and romantic still first. It’s clearly something she is thinking about. We also wondered earlier this fall if Magnum was saving up money for a ring when he told Perdita Weeks’ character that he was sending money back to an old mentor.

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Speaking to TV Guide, Zachary Knighton (who directed this past episode) did indicate that there could be some sort of proposal or proposals that are coming up here:

I’m just gonna say this: There might be a ring or rings. And I’m not talking [J.R.R.] Tolkien here! I’m not talking about Lord of the Rings. I’m talking, like, put a ring on it, you know what I’m saying?

Another big possibility here is clearly that we end up seeing something big for Rick and Suzy, which makes some sense given that they are parents. TC and Mahina could also happen — even if they only recently got back together, they did also have a relationship before that.

One way or another, we tend to think that we’re building towards a happy ending. We obviously want a season 6, but it will be nice to have a great conclusion here regardless when season 5 concludes in 2024.

Related See a further promo for the next Magnum PI episode

What do you think we are going to see entering the Magnum PI season 5 finale?

Do you believe that an engagement is imminent? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates.

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