Saturday Night Live: Timothee Chalamet & a baby face rap

Saturday Night Live
Photo: NBC

Timothee Chalamet was the host for this weekend’s Saturday Night Live, and we of course hoped for something great from the start. Did we get it?

Well, let’s just say that this not something that we anticipated across TWO separate musical performances. First and foremost, we had a chance to see the Wonka star do a spoof of “Pure Imagination” that is all about the SAG-AFTRA strike ending. After all, actors can now promote various projects! There were some fun lines in here about how shameless they can be about things, and this was clearly something that everyone came up with over the past few days.

We have a sneaking suspicion that the original idea here for the cold open was to do the baby face rap with Marcello Hernandez, Punkie Johnson, and Kenan Thompson that was put at the end of the opening — which was also entertaining and totally-random in its own way. They all did have a point that they can be somewhat ageless, and that Kenan has largely had the same face since Kenan & Kel.

Typically, we bemoan musical monologues on SNL just because it often feels like the default thing to do either when there are no other ideas, or when a host just wants to sing for whatever odd reason. However, we personally liked this one just because of the originality — also, the first part of it was far more topical than you typically get from some of these openings.

In the end, we are mostly just happy with the fact that Chalamet seemed to feed off of the audience’s energy — remember that when he was first on the show, it was during the global health crisis and there wasn’t exactly that much in the way of a studio audience watching at home.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Saturday Night Live, including the cold open

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