Big Brother 25 live feeds are over! Finale preview

Can you believe that we’ve made it to the end of the Big Brother 25 live feeds? At around 10:00 a.m. Pacific time the feeds shut down for the season. Honestly, it is easy to have some bittersweet feelings at this point. You can miss the ritual that came with watching feeds and certain parts of the game, while also being relieved in part that the 100-day season is over.
Honestly, at this point we hope that the show never goes this long with a season again. As someone who loves the game, stretching it out like this does not always do a lot of good.
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As the feeds shut down this morning Jag, Bowie Jane, and Matt did their final shout-outs to their families and loved ones. Now, they prepare for what seems to be a fairly predictable finale.
When it comes to the third part of the final HoH tonight, the major thing that we can say is that Jag and Matt are going to almost 100% take each other. We’ve yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. They have worked together for almost the entirety of the season and while it’d be smarter to boot each other, we don’t think it is going to happen.
Where things get a little more complicated here comes to the jury vote, given that they may be operating under two different philosophies. While Jag may have been the far better strategic player of the two (at least after Reilly left), Matt was the stronger social player. He is responsible for Jag still being in the game, but at the same time, Jag also protected him on a number of occasions as well and made moves to further the two of them.
Ultimately, this could be a case where the actual jury speeches play a major role tonight — we’ll have to wait and see on that.
Related – Go ahead and see some additional coverage of the Big Brother 25 finale coverage right now
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