Power Book IV: Force season 2 episode 9: Tommy finds a snitch

With Power Book IV: Force season 2 episode 9 being the last one before the finale, of course we anticipated some big stuff. Yet, somehow the show still managed to surpass some initial expectations.
So what did we get from start to finish here? Well, we’d probably subscribe it first and foremost as a story setting the stage for Tommy’s big revenge. Sure, it took a lot of help but in the end, he was able to get all of the proof that he needed that it was actually Vic working on the inside as a snitch. This is obviously going to alter the future severely and for Vic, you gotta think Tommy’s about to cancel Christmas all over him.
Of course, a lot of this is not coming at a great time given that we are getting set up for a war like no other between the CBI, other factions, and then also the authorities. Claudia thinks she’s got what she’s always wanted, but we have a feeling that something major is about to be taken away … provided that she even survives. We still wonder sometimes if the Flynns are even going to make it out of this season. All things considered, how do they? Where does Vic go from here after all of this?
From Tommy’s point of view, it feels like he may have no other choice than to kill both of them and honestly, we’re not sure that there is anything else that he could do that makes a certain element of sense for him. He’s always been someone who will act when he sees trouble or a reason to strike back. Why would we start to feel like something different is about to go down here?
We figured that Vic would be found out eventually … but right before the finale? This is the sort of thing that leaves us eager for what’s next.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the Power Book IV: Force season 2 finale
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