Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Felicia confronts Jag

If Jag, Matt, or Bowie Jane really thought that they were going to be able to rattle Felicia on Big Brother 25, they have another thing coming.
Last night, Felicia reminded all of us again as to one of her most endearing qualities within the game: She has no problem being blunt and honest. With that, she confronted Jag in the kitchen about why she and Cirie are being frozen out, and he quickly scrambled, trying to apologize and/or justify some of his behavior. It was an embarrassing moment for Jag, and it also reminded us that he, Matt, and Bowie have another thing coming if they really try anything to mess with her this coming week.
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Is Felicia likely to be the final four evictee? Sure, but it has nothing to do with the way that she’s being treated. She’s just not a competition threat and the other players are getting super-arrogant with that in mind. It is one of the reasons we would love for the next Head of Household competition to be a crapshoot and something that she could fairly win. It would cause the other players to sweat things out a little bit more.
We’ll see if someone tries to mess with Felicia today, but one thing that cannot be understated is that if Cirie spends any real time at all with the jurors, she will be able to tell them about how her and Felicia are being treated. If Felicia is then able to make it to the final two somehow, she has a good chance of winning just as an underdog story. You can also make the argument that Jag was saved thanks to a twist and that Matt was well-insulated for a good chunk of the game. Felicia has given all of us a taste of her final two speech already, and it’s impressive.
Related – Get more of the Veto Ceremony aftermath from yesterday on the Big Brother 25 live feeds
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