Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Final 5 Veto Ceremony preview

The final five Veto Ceremony is happening later today in the Big Brother 25 house, so what’s going to happen? Or, beyond just that, how are the remaining houseguests acting when it comes to certain events?
Well, let’s start off things here by noting that the eviction feels pretty inevitable at this point: Cirie is going, and for some reason Matt, Bowie Jane, and Jag have all talked about trying to make Felicia feel super-paranoid along the way. This is a reminder that this environment can be really bad this late in the game, especially when smack-talk becomes a common language that people communicate. If Felicia loses, she doesn’t need more salt in the wound. There is also technically still a chance that she could win the final four HoH, especially since the last one was one that she could have theoretically won.
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Jag won’t use his Power of Veto later today, and of course we are somewhat curious to see wat Cirie will do in order to campaign. Of course, the problem here in general is that she knows that she’ll probably be going. She’s smart enough to know when people are lying to her, and she also realizes how enormous a threat that she is in the game at the moment. She’s done a good job making it to this point, but also made some key mistakes along the way.
The one thing we wonder the most about moving forward is if Jag is going to fully realize how close Jag and Bowie Jane have gotten, and that he may actually be more inclined to go to the final three with Felicia if the two can strike some sort of deal to take each other. It feels unlikely, but it is something that he should think about if he does want to win the game.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 now, including more from the feeds
Do you expect any significant drama over the course of today in Big Brother 25?
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