Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is the Cirie plan set?

We are a mere matter of hours past the Veto within the Big Brother 25 house and yet, it already seems like the week could be over. Things were never going to be that complicated with there only being five people left in the competition, but Jag and Bowie Jane now have a chance to make their move that they’ve wanted to do for a good while.
With that, it feels like Cirie Fields is once again going to finish just short of the finish line.
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Jag has told Matt tonight that he wants to target Cirie after winning his sixth Power of Veto, arguing that she is an enormous social threat and that she’s been throwing competitions. (We’re not sure how much of the latter is true, but the former? Sure.) Jag’s also gotten very on this idea right now that Cirie actually was on The Mole rather than The Traitors, which are two very different shows, even if his argument here was the same regardless in that Cirie has won other shows before and because of that, she is this otherworldly threat to do so all over again here.
Matt may or may not be happy with the move, but he’s hardly talked Jag out of it. He seems to be with whatever, possibly because he’s not eligible to play HoH and the last thing he wants is to put himself in a spot where he becomes a target.
As for Felicia…
Well, she seems fine with Cirie being the target, and she didn’t even seem all that into the idea of campaigning hard for the Veto to be used after that. Earlier, she and Cirie had talked about an idea where they would threaten their jury votes to Jag if the Veto wasn’t used.
Related – See more of the Big Brother 25 luxury competition that took place earlier tonight
Do you think that targeting Cirie is the right move on Big Brother 25?
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