Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Reilly writes Matt’s HoH letter
We expected a little bit of craziness from the Big Brother 25 house overnight, but what we got in terms of Matt’s HoH letter genuinely shocked us.
After all, how could we have predicted a letter coming from someone in Reilly who was booted from the game months ago? Sure, there was a pseudo-showmance aspect to this, but they were never technically together. He told her that he had a crush on her, but she did not say the same thing back. In addition to Matt getting the letter from her, he also got a photo of her with his mom, which has of course given him ALL sorts of ideas about where this could go after the show.
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Now, we know that there are a number of big-time showmance fans out there who may love the idea of this being Matt’s letter but, at the same time, is it potentially tainting the game in some way? If Matt genuinely feels like Reilly is this invested in him now, does it cause him to do even more of what he’d think she would want from him in the game? We understand that it sounds silly but, at the same time, anything feels possible.
For now, the real question remains whether or not we’re going to be seeing Cirie be nominated, as the only person Matt hasn’t promised some element of safety to is Felicia. Nominating Cirie does not mean that she would stay on the block after the Veto, but it’s something that he will have to consider. This could easily end up being one of the most important Vetoes this season.
Related – Get even more thoughts last night on the Big Brother 25 Double Eviction
What did you think about Matt’s HoH letter being from Reilly in Big Brother 25?
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