Loki season 2 episode 4: Is Victor Timely really dead?

Loki season 2
Photo: Disney+

Following the events of Loki season 2 episode 4, we certainly think that there are a lot of big questions to wonder.

Take, for starters, this: Is Victor Timely really dead? We certainly know of the characters’ physical resemblance to He Who Remains, just like we also know that the temporal radiation seemingly did the character in. Are Loki, Mobius, and others about to die, as well? The end of the episode would like to make you think so, but we tend to think that the reality here is a little bit more complicated.

In speaking on the subject further to TVLine, here is a little bit of what executive producer Kevin Wright had to say:

“Everything has gone wrong, and now we have two episodes to push these characters to their absolute limits of who they are and how they’re going to overcome this … It lets us go to some really profound and beautiful places. It gave us story kindling, and we knew it would be fun and shocking.”

Ultimately, we do think that the producers got what they wanted here, at least for the time being. After all, we do tend to think that the end goal here was almost certainly to keep people talking for as long as humanly possible. They’ve done that and as we move forward here, the want to give you a pretense that every character could be in danger.

Is that actually the case here? Well, things are a little bit complicated. We just have a hard time thinking that Tom Hiddleston’s character is going to be extracted from the MCU anytime soon, especially with him serving as a major creative voice on this show and also someone with one of the most creative entries out there.

Related – Be sure to get some more news now on Loki, including other details on what lies ahead

What did you think about the overall events of Loki season 2 episode 4?

What do you think is going to happen with Victor moving forward? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to also come back for some other updates.

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