Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Felicia the target? (day 86)
We have now made it to day 86 of Big Brother 25 — and with that, the second Double Eviction day this season! We anticipate a lot of drama down the road, but also with the first eviction of Blue.
For most of the past few days, we have seen Jag speak open about the fact that he wants Blue out of the game. He views her as a threat to win competitions, which is something that he thinks that he needs in order to make it to the end. (He realizes that he is a threat and could go at just about any moment.)
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Of course, Jag has also kept Blue in the dark, and she felt like she was actually going to be kept safe and wouldn’t be evicted.
So has he told her as of yet? Not so much, but we presume that it is going to happen at some point today. Watch out for that, and it will be interesting to see how hard he takes it at the end of the day.
The most interesting story today
That’s pretty simple: Getting to see whether or not Felicia actually goes now in the Double. Earlier this week she was fine and America was the easy target, if it wasn’t Jag. However, her antics the past few days playing both sides and also working to throw Cirie under the bus have hurt her game more than helped. We just think that a lot of it is going to come down to scenarios, but nobody will be that mad getting Felicia out at this point.
We just hope there is some serious drama during the Double tonight — why wouldn’t we want that at the end of the day?
What do think is going to happen over the course of Big Brother 25 today?
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