Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The Cirie struggle (day 84)

As we get closer to the end of day 84 of Big Brother 25, don’t all eyes have to be on Cirie? Shouldn’t they be? It only feels right when we are talking about one of the show’s best players.
What is do interesting right now is that in a lot of ways, she and Jag are opposite halves of a coin and if you put them together, you’d have a really great player. Cirie isn’t good at comps, but she’s an exceptional social player and strategist. Meanwhile, Jag is an amazing competitor that does at times have a tendency to overthink things or trust the wrong people. He may still win due to his allegiance to Matt, who could help him in the Double Eviction. Yet, Cirie is certainly working things behind the scenes.
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We knew well before Cirie’s awesome Diary Room session tonight that she was coming for him. After everything that Felicia has spilled to him today, Jag’s aware of it too. However, we don’t actually think that this makes Jag regretful at all of his move this week. Blue came close to beating him in the Veto — she is doing consistently well in comps, even if she isn’t winning. He’s just trying to make the road easier on him in that respect.
What is going to be interesting based on the conversations this evening is seeing Jag try to convince Matt that Cirie is not good for their game … and then seeing Matt ignore it. We know from the show tonight that he wants Cirie in his final three, even if Jag has tried to tell him that she can’t be trusted and she was even responsible in some ways for Reilly’s eviction. She wasn’t the only person, but she did 100% lead her on for a long time, which led to Reilly telling Matt to trust Cirie before she left the game.
What we learned today is that at some point, Jag is just going to have to take out Cirie, regardless of whether or not Matt likes it. Otherwise, Cirie has a really good shot of winning this whole thing.
Related – Did Felicia make up some of her claims about Cirie?
Do you think that Cirie still has a good shot of winning Big Brother 25?
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