Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Eviction and HoH preview!

Big Brother 25
Photo: CBS

As so many of you most likely know at this point, there is an eviction happening within the Big Brother 25 house later tonight. Is anything changing at the last minute here? We’ve seen from this season already that almost anything is possible.

However, this go-around it does not look like anything too substantial is taking shape at the last minute. Cory, pending some last-minute shocker, will be evicted, and it is almost certain to be unanimous. He knows that he is going, and he’s spending a ton of time with America while also thanking the other houseguests. He also noted to Cirie that he is still a huge fans of hers and it was a really cool experience to play the game with her.

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Cory’s downfall in the game is overconfidence more than anything else. He knew that there were certain moves he needed to make, but was a bit too conservative in making him. Being in a showmance hurt, but it’s a little derivative to think it is the only reason he is gone.

HoH preview!

Because the backyard was open for so much of the week, it doesn’t seem like we are getting an endurance or anything too crazy. With that in mind, there is a lot of studying going on — and it’s also led to Cirie getting seemingly annoyed with Felicia for spending some time studying with the younger crowd of the house. While she and Cirie don’t 100% need this HoH, they are aware of the threat level that Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane bring to the table as a trio. Getting out Bowie or Jag would be ideal to them.

America seems to have a good grasp on many things, meanwhile, but she’s yet to win a comp all season. Will that change this time around? Remember that Jag can still play tonight for HoH thanks to the not-so-invisible power that he had.

Related Remember, tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode will be delayed

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