Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Bowie Jane ‘vs.’ Cory

As we prepare for the next Big Brother 25 episode to arrive on CBS, let’s just say this. The feeds are still bringing content!
How in the world did Bowie Jane get caught up in all of the craziness today? At one point, it actually seemed as though there could be a real confrontation involving the two. He had been claiming that she was a potential swing vote for him, and also that Matt and Jag could potentially put her up. This led to her being emotional and indirectly making it seem like she has a final three with them. Felicia then worked to further stoke the metaphorical flames, and all of this led to a place where we ended up seeing Bowie actually tell Cory to stop campaigning since she’s not changing her mind.
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As a result of all of this, America got both emotional and apologetic towards Cory for staying, and he told her not to worry about it. Her game will live on, Cory knows he’s toast, and now there’s more paranoia between Bowie and Matt / Jag. Of course, Felicia and Cirie are loving it. (We made the title for this article quite humorously, since Bowie Jane made it seem like her conversation with Cory was going to be more vicious than it was.)
Other important notes…
Matt told Cirie tonight that if he wins, he won’t be nominating her or Felicia and instead, he is going to go after both Blue and America — which remains insane only because Blue is far more loyal to them and far less of a threat than Cirie. This is, of course, another reminder of how good of a social player she really is at the end of all of this. She is not steering the ship, but is finding ways to ensure her safety.
Related – Tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode is airing later than expected
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