Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Double Veto aftermath
For those who missed the news earlier, Blue used the first Veto (a part of the BB Comic Week twist) on herself, and the invisible HoH (Jag, who has basically told everyone) ended up nominating America. From there, Jag removed Felicia and Cory went up. Cory is the clear target, but could that change?
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Well, one thing that we will say in the aftermath of all of this is that Cory has reacted in a mostly rational way to his likely demise, trying to get information and understand the timing of it. We’re not shocked by how he has handled it, and he claims that he won’t react in an altogether emotional manner and go scorched-earth. America, however, has said she has zero issue doing that and may metaphorically burn the house down this week. She’s claimed already that she would rather Cory be there than her, and he’s said that he cares about her more than the game.
As for other players, both Cirie and Felicia both have already made plans to recruit America, and we tend to think this will happen for a few more days as everyone tries to rally her to their side. If Cory goes, she will need a home … but the funny thing is that she doesn’t actually trust anyone left beyond her showmance. We just imagine that it will be full-on chaos from here on out, which could prove to be quite entertaining in the end.
Who do you want to see stick around on Big Brother 25 this week?
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(Photo: CBS.)