Magnum PI season 5: Will we see Magnum, Higgins engagement?

Magnum PI season 5 part 2

As we dive deeper and deeper into the second half of Magnum PI season 5 part 2, why not have a larger Miggy conversation? We know that the Magnum – Higgins romance is among the best on all TV, and they have crossed off a number of milestones already. Remember that we’ve already hard Thomas and Juliet say “I love you” to each other, and back in the first half of the season Higgins had a dream about a proposal. Sure, it turned rather macabre soon after, but that was still there!

Also, remember that it appeared as though she might be pregnant back in episode 11 — we tend to think that conversations about their future are happening and that will continue by the time we reach the finale.

So is a proposal in some form necessary by the season 5 finale? That’s probably not the term that we would use — we would go with “additive” instead.

After all, think of things like this. It’s clear that Jay Hernandez and Perdita Weeks’ characters have every intention of staying together for the long haul, and they don’t necessarily need a ring, a ceremony, or anything else to do that. It mostly comes down to whether or not they want this particular status or commitment. If the story bends in the right direction, it could be incredibly fun and super-romantic. However, it’s also not something that can be forced.

Would we love a proposal? Sure, but we can also imagine one off-screen and the same goes for a wedding. More so than wondering whether Magnum PI season 5 would contain either of these moments, we’re more focused on trying to make a season 6 happen, whether it be on NBC or somewhere else. That would give the writers even more time to craft all sorts of great stories for these characters.

Related Go ahead and get some photo teases for Wednesday’s new Magnum PI episode

Do you want to see Magnum and Higgins engaged before Magnum PI season 5 comes to a close?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are more updates coming in the near future.

(Photo: NBC.)

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