Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results! (day 76)

Big Brother 25

Entering the Veto Ceremony today in the Big Brother 25 house, we knew that things were going to be dramatic. After all, the plan entering the ceremony was pretty clear!

For those who were not watching the feeds this weekend, here is what we were looking at here. Blue was going to use the first of two Vetoes and from there, the “invisible HoH” in Jag (who everyone knows is in power) was set to nominate America. From there, he would use the second Veto he won on Felicia, and then nominate Cory in her place. America and Cory would then have to fight amongst themselves to stay within the game, but Cory would be the obvious target here.

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Is this a big move by Jag? Yes, but it is debatable as to whether or not it’s a good one. We argue it is, mostly because it is something he can claim if he makes it to the final two. He’s going to be a target moving forward regardless, and we’ve already seen Cirie and Felicia say that he and Matt are bigger threats than America and Cory. With that, from a shield perspective there isn’t that much value in keeping the showmance still around.

Now that the ceremony is over…

Well, let’s just say that Blue is happy. Cory and America are now on the block. We briefly saw what may have been the two of them sulking underneath the covers in bed, and then Bowie chilling out with Cirie in the backyard. Matt and Jag are currently celebrating their victory inside the house with Blue, even though she was the original target.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including some of the punishments for Felicia and Cirie

What do you think about Jag’s decision in regards to the Veto on Big Brother 25 today?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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